Stille Wasser | Still Waters

short documentary | 29 min | 2022| 1.85:1 | color | 2K DCP | 5.1 | german

While car fans are driving laps at the Nürburgring, people not far away in the Ahr valley are hovering between confidence and hopelessness half a year after the flood disaster. 


Director: Kevin Koch
Cinematographer: Anian Krone
Editor: Emma Holzapfel
Producer: Franziska Unger
Field Recording & Sound Design: Timo Kleinemeier
Colorgrading: Anian Krone
Composer: Peter Albrecht
Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH​​​​​​​

56. Internationale Hofer Filmtage 2022 
Flickers Rhode Island Intl. Film Festival 2022 | Semi-Finalist
LetsDok Dokumentarfilmtage Köln 2022
Filmz Festival des deutschen Films Mainz 2022
Cinema Talks Film Festival Graz 2023 | Honorable Mention
Sehsüchte Studierenden Film Festival Potsdam 2023
Bundesfestival junger Film 2023 | Best Film
Dortmunder Tresen Filmfestival 2023
Dok.fest München 2023 | Best Doks Student Award
Filmfest Weiterstadt 2023
Fünf Seen Filmfestival 2023
Bozcaada International Festival of Ecological Documentary Turkey 2023
FBW Filmbewertung Wiesbaden Prädikat Besonders Wertvoll
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